Monday, December 3, 2012

Piracy Blog

To begin, I personally believe that if you can get it for free... why not. Buying things costs money of course, so if you can get something for free that you've always wanted, then you should. Or course if you're completely rich and have the money for it then you should just go ahead and buy it because you've got no reason not to. I live with my mom who works for minimum wage at Walgreens, so I don't have the privilege of being wealthy. I don't have a job yet so the money I've still got from saving most goes to gas to get to and from my classes. Therefore all the things I can get for free from pirating I do.

Pirating is illegal and can be a felony if you pirate the right things or enough. Pirating is generally stealing something someone else has made their intellectual property. I believe that it is a bunch of horse shit because of all the people sue each other over who thought of this or that first... it's not very easy to tell who thought of it first. Be it a game, movie, or song.

Songs from iTunes sell for about a dollar or more each. A dollar for a 2-4 minute song is completely outrageous, anyone who pays that much for a song is utterly stupid. I download all the music I have for free. Applications or Apps for short can range from around $1-$4 and some Apps sell for much, MUCH more. Some Apps on iTunes have been sold in the thousands of dollars. The image below shows an app one would get after paying $999.99 for it on iTunes at one time.

Applications and selling songs individually are just easy ways to make money. If you're going to spend a couple dollars on a simple game or song... that's a couple dollars less you have for rent, groceries or other NECESSITIES. People shouldn't charge us to view or use something they thought of just because they made it and don't want people to use it for free.

Reference #1

Reference #2

Wi-Fi VS Ethernet Blog

Wi-Fi     vs.     Ethernet

I found out today by reading the content on the two pages located at the bottom of this blog. The pages informed on how both Ethernet and Wi-Fi work. They both did a great job by teaching and informing me on how both work. I found out many things I wouldn't ever have known otherwise. Ethernet for example was designed and tested by Bob Metcalfe. Bob Metcalfe can be seen in the image below.

Ethernet was not designed by Bob Metcalfe until 1973. I was born in 1994, so considering that's just when Ethernet was designed... technology has come a long way. However, it originally only described communication over a single cable shared by all the devices on a single network. But, once a device is connected to the cable, it can communicate with any other device connected to that same cable. The downfall to Ethernet is that it is only a local area technology, meaning it can only connect devices in a single building at close proximity.

However, Wi-Fi works a lot more efficiently and effectively compared to Ethernet. Wi-Fi can be found in many places, coffee shops, fast food restaurants and even in most homes today. Most places however either charge you to use the Wi-Fi, or just have a password on it. Wi-Fi is much better because you can easily get internet in many places on a laptop, phone or tablet. Which adds to the rise in sales of them all in the past years. Wi-Fi is wireless making it much, much better.

I found out that Wi-Fi connections use radio waves, just as much technology today use; including televisions and radios. With ethernet, you must be connected with an ethernet cable to get any internet access. Wi-Fi allows the use of devices anywhere around the initial connection opposed to being in such close proximity. Wi-Fi hotspots as they are called and have been refered briefely before are all over the place. You can even buy an adapter that allows you to gain internet access anywhere on a laptop or other device just by plugging it in to the desired device. Making Wi-Fi much better and efficient.

Reference #1